Didja know? Hansen Family Serving in TJ

Did you know… The Hansen Family Serving in TJ
• The Hansen family spent April 13 in Tijuana working on a home with International Relief Team?






@ 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall


To be transparent and open to ideas and share our current status. Today’s meeting is to update the Congregation and get feedback from the questions during our “table talk”. No decisions will be made today.

On January 6, 2019 the Building Committee met for the first time. During this meeting we agreed to set a timeline, to be a unified voice and transparent. We had to do a presentation to the District office, providing the plans and estimates for construction. We also had to confirm that the original plans for Phase 2 are still valid with the City of Vista. We need to meet with the individual groups (Missions, Evangelism, + 2 Fishes, etc) to get feedback for their needs prior to meeting with the architect. We agreed that we would have our documentation and plans for our funding completed by 7/31/2019. We would then request a Charge Conference for mid-August as well as a final date with the district.


On February 26 the Building Committee met to review the “order” of moving forward. We had to meet with the design team, to move to permanent construction documents with details for plumbing, electrical and design which will need to be decided and then submitted to the City for permitting. Funding options will also need to be considered as well as a site manager.


On March 3 the committee met and we determined that we all understood the plans that have been sketched out. We reviewed the calendar to set up dates to meet with the design team as well as the stakeholders and the congregation in the following areas, music suite, classrooms/nursery, meeting rooms and offices, fellowship hall/outreach groups as well as kitchen and hospitality areas. We decided to bring Mary Scifres on board to assist us with the information sharing and integrating design ideas from our Congregation. It is very important to avoid changes to plans and the equipment used to avoid delays in construction and cost overruns.


We have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow, Sunday April 14 @ 1:30 p.m. with the Kitchen Consultant. We have already met, in the month of March with the architect, Michael Robinson from MER Architects, Leonard and Maria Knapp from Knapp & Assoc, the structural engineer for the project and Kevin Dominick from DSE Engineering. Mike acts as the hub for the construction process. He coordinates with the subs and ensures that our plans are under current codes. Len designs, with the architect’s concept plans to provide the most economical structural plan. The plans go the cities building and safety dept. to ensure code compliance. Kevin works on the energy components of the building as well as electrical. We have been informed that when Phase 1 was built there were accommodations made to incorporate into phase 2. We are hoping that we will be can present the feedback from the Congregation to the design team for their final plan/presentation by the end of May 2019.
Meeting questions attached here.