Our relationship with others is an important part of who we are at The United Methodist Church of Vista. Please explore the opportunities on this page and our Ministry pages. 
Church Events
SPRC Update:
We are excited to introduce Pastor Broghan Hunt, who will be leading our congregation starting on Sunday, July 7. As part of our warm welcome, we invite you to contribute to a special gift basket—a collection of our favorite spots in Vista—to help Pastor Broghan “Get to Know Vista UMC.”
Gift Basket Ideas:
• Gift Cards/Certificates: Share your favorite restaurant or local hot spot.
• Local Recommendations: Include a card with a list of places to visit or things to do around town.
• Personal Touch: Feel free to add any small token that reflects the spirit of our congregation and community.
Pastor Broghan enjoys coffee, loves animals, and appreciates the sights and sounds of our local area. Let’s come together to make her feel at home!
The basket is in the narthex and will be presented to Pastor Broghan on July 7th. If you’d like to contribute virtually, please reach out to Kathe Enright or Dakota Koenig for guidance.
Please also join us in the social hall after the service on July 7th for a sweet treat and the opportunity to personally welcome Pastor Broghan.
Thank you for your support!
Blessings, Melissa
Game Night, July 20, 6 p.m.
Game night will be on Saturday, July 20 at 6:00 p.m. in the upper social hall.  Hope to see more friends coming to share in the fun, snacks and conversation. We begin at 6:00 p.m. and end around 8:30 p.m. Bring a new game or a snack if you like.
Pizza Party/Karaoke Fundraiser
Mark your calendar for August 25 for an after-service pizza party/karaoke fundraiser for the church. The Young Whippersnappers (25 and under) will challenge the Wise Elders (25 and up) to a karaoke challenge. Audience will vote with noise and dollars. It doesn’t matter if you can sing. Just come out for some pizza and a good time! Sponsored by Reconciling Ministries.
-Lyn Berry
Zoom meetings are one way we are working on keeping connected. All you need is a computer or smartphone with a built-in microphone and a camera and you can join in. Download the Zoom app to your device, click on “join a meeting” and follow the prompts to join the gathering.
Congregational Care, August 1, 1:30 p.m.
Education/Discipleship, July 10, 6:00 p.m.
Finance, July 10, 6:30 p.m.
Reconciling Ministries, July 23, 6:30 p.m.
In person:
SPRC, August 4 following worship, conference room
Trustees, July 21 following worship, conference room
Interpreter for the Deaf
An interpreter for the Deaf/and hard-of-hearing will be here on July 7 (first Sunday of the month). We are striving to ensure that God’s Word is accessible to all. Please invite anyone you feel could benefit from this service.
No Sunday School in July
There will be no Sunday School during the month of July. Children are encourage to stay with their parents during the service.
Reconciling Ministries
Youth Ministries
Music Ministries
United Women in Faith