Thank you for attending Rejoice Greatly!



“Rejoice Greatly” on Sunday, December 17th at 4 PM in the Sanctuary. We were happy to announce that the Chancel Choir combined with members of the San Luis Rey Chorale, and friends from the Greater San Diego Music Coterie. We also featured our Chamber Orchestra, Anderson Handbells, and guest artists Jimmy Patton and Enrique Platas and Naomi Alter, harpist.

The Concert Opened with an exciting and varied program of original music from our cadre of local composers including Adam Ferrera, Frank Hallock, David Lewis, director of the San Luis Rey Chorale, Christoph Rayburn, Jimmy Patton with Enrique Platas and Naomi Alter. We presented newly composed music and new and beautiful arrangements of well-known carols and songs of the season.

The second part of the concert was a presentation of the Christmas portions of Handel’s Messiah. We were pleased to welcome guest tenor Johanthan Cebreros, and guest soprano Hope Carleson Chen to this special presentation. Alto Beth Hallock and bass Frank Hallock were featured soloists as well. The orchestra was featured in this performance, and the concert concluded with the Hallelujah Chorus, and the audience was invited to sing along! Music was provided.

We thank all of those who attended for making it a wonderful and uplifting concert! We hope you enjoyed it!

Music Ministries


The Music Ministry at the United Methodist Church of Vista offers music for Sunday Worship and also several Concerts and Special Events during the church year. We have opportunities for Choral Singers, Handbell Ringers, and Praise Band musicians. We will welcome anyone interested in those Ministries. There is an anonymous quote that says
“Music speaks when words fail”
We in the music ministry certainly understand that, and it is with joy that we offer our music to God and to each other. Please feel invited to be part of this vital worship experience. 

The Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir shares music for the 10:00 am service.  The Chancel Choir features a stunning array of classical hymns, traditional melodies, jazz pieces, spirituals, and contemporary songs conducted by 
Rev. Frank Hallock, Any adult who loves to sing is welcome. They practice on Thursdays at 7:30 pm.  

The Praise Band

The Praise Band shares music for the 9:00 am service.  The Praise Band features an array of classical hymns and contemporary music. Led by Adam Ferrara, Greg Rey, Roy Good, and Jimmy Patton. Any adult who loves to sing is welcome. They practice at 9 am on Sundays. 

 Anderson Hand Bell Choir

The Anderson Hand Bell Choir is the hand bell choir, who performs pieces written for hand bells at special celebrations throughout the year, conducted by  
Rev. Frank Hallock, Minister of Music.  They rehearse on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Choir Room.

The Ringers and Singers and Sunshine Magic

The Ringers and Singers are our Children’s Choir who share music in worship once a month. Chimes are led by Carol Pence. Note: Sunshine Magic, not meeting now. is led by
Rev. Frank Hallock,  Any student in Kinder – High School is welcome. They practice on Wednesdays at 3:45 pm. 
For more information on our music ministries, please email our office at