Prayer of Great Thanksgiving and Communion for Christmas: As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, let us share communion together. ALL ARE WELCOME. Please gather some bread or crackers and some juice and make a few minutes to receive the sacrament of Communion with Pastor Leigh Ann and Pastor Frank. This communion liturgy will be available through Epiphany.
- Dec 25, 2020Prayer of Great Thanksgiving and Communion for ChristmasDec 25, 2020Prayer of Great Thanksgiving and Communion for ChristmasPrayer of Great Thanksgiving and Communion for Christmas by Rev. Dr. Leigh Ann Shaw, Senior Pastor | Genre: Communion
Prayer of Great Thanksgiving and Communion for Christmas: As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, let us share communion together. ALL ARE WELCOME. Please gather some bread or crackers and some juice and make a few minutes to receive the sacrament of Communion with Pastor Leigh Ann and Pastor Frank. This communion liturgy will be available through Epiphany.
- Dec 25, 2020“Christmas Message”Dec 25, 2020“Christmas Message”Series: Christmas Message
"Christmas Message" from Sermon by Rev. Dr. Leigh Ann Shaw, Senior Pastor | Genre: Sermon
- Dec 24, 2020“Anticipatory Life”Dec 24, 2020“Anticipatory Life”Series: Christmas Eve
"Anticipatory Life" from Sermon by Rev. Dr. Leigh Ann Shaw, Senior Pastor | Genre: Sermon
Scriptures: Isaiah 9:2-7 and Luke 2:1-20 (NRSV) download
- Dec 20, 2020“The Love of a Mother”Dec 20, 2020“The Love of a Mother”Series: Fourth Sunday of Advent - Love
“The Love of a Mother” from Sermon by Rev. Dr. Leigh Ann Shaw, Senior Pastor | Genre: Sermon
Scriptures: Luke 1:26-38 and Luke 1:46b-55 (NRSV) download
- Dec 13, 2020Prepare Him Room – Virtual Christmas ConcertDec 13, 2020Prepare Him Room – Virtual Christmas ConcertSeries: Third Sunday of Advent - Joy"Prepare Him Room - Virtual Christmas Concert" by Rev. Frank Hallock | Choir | Bell Choir | Special Music