Mar 22, 2020

“Be Light In The World”
Series: 4th Sunday in Lent
“Be Light In The World” | Sermon by Rev. Dr. Leigh Ann Shaw, Senior Pastor | Genre: Sermon | Click on the icon under "WATCH" below for the sermon | Bible Passages: Ephesians 5: 8-14 and John 9: 1-41
- Mar 22, 2020“Be Light In The World”Mar 22, 2020“Be Light In The World”Series: 4th Sunday in Lent“Be Light In The World” | Sermon by Rev. Dr. Leigh Ann Shaw, Senior Pastor | Genre: Sermon | Click on the icon under "WATCH" below for the sermon | Bible Passages: Ephesians 5: 8-14 and John 9: 1-41
- Mar 15, 2020Sermon not available due to the Corona Virus | Check each week for updatesMar 15, 2020Sermon not available due to the Corona Virus | Check each week for updatesSermon Not Available due to the "Corona Virus" Released: 2020.
- Mar 8, 2020“In Plain Sight: Cross”Mar 8, 2020“In Plain Sight: Cross”Series: 2nd Sunday in Lent
"In Plain Sight: Cross" from Sermon by Rev. Dr. Leigh Ann Shaw, Senior Pastor | Genre: Sermon
- Mar 1, 2020“In Plain Sight Bread”Mar 1, 2020“In Plain Sight Bread”Series: 1st Sunday in Lent"In Plain Sight Bread" from Sermon by Rev. Dr. Leigh Ann Shaw, Senior Pastor | Genre: Sermon
- Feb 26, 2020“Starting Lent in the Dust”Feb 26, 2020“Starting Lent in the Dust”Series: Ash Wednesday"Starting Lent in the Dust" from Sermon by Rev. Dr. Leigh Ann Shaw, Senior Pastor | Genre: Sermon