Jun 23, 2019

“Where is YOUR God?”
Series: 2nd Sunday after Pentecost
"Where is YOUR God?" from Sermon by Rev. Dr. Leigh Ann Shaw. Genre: Sermon
- Jun 23, 2019“Where is YOUR God?”Jun 23, 2019“Where is YOUR God?”Series: 2nd Sunday after Pentecost"Where is YOUR God?" from Sermon by Rev. Dr. Leigh Ann Shaw. Genre: Sermon
- Jun 16, 2019“We Come ‘Round Right”Jun 16, 2019“We Come ‘Round Right”Series: Trinity Sunday / Fathers Day"We Come 'Round Right" from Sermon by Rev. Frank Hallock Genre: Sermons
- Jun 9, 2019“Tongues That Unite Us, Tongues that Divide Us”Jun 9, 2019“Tongues That Unite Us, Tongues that Divide Us”Series: Pentecost Sunday"Tongues That Unite Us, Tongues that Divide Us" from Sermon by Beckie Henselmeier, Guest Speaker Genre: Sermon
- Jun 2, 2019“Sangsangai: Together on the Journey”Jun 2, 2019“Sangsangai: Together on the Journey”Series: 7th Sunday of Easter“Sangsangai: Together on the Journey”rom Sermon by Katherine Parker, Missionary to Nepal Sermon not available
- May 26, 2019“And She Prevailed”May 26, 2019“And She Prevailed”Series: 6th Sunday of Easter"And She Prevailed" from Sermon by Rev. Dr. Leigh Ann Shaw. Genre: Sermon